Monday, September 20, 2010

Circling the city

(disclaimer! my writing is not creative because I am typing on a french keyboard and my brain is thinking about the letter locations rather than content. C`est frustré! )

On the first day we walked all over the city. Bristol is very 3 dimensional with hills and curves and circles and therefore lots of views. Walking was a good workout. These pictures are of our walk to Seico`s lab building then doing a wide circle along the canals to return to Clifton (the area of town where our building was) This took about 2 hours.

Along the floating docks:
Views of small boats & huge ships. This is the famous S.S. Great Britain.
Discovering artwork by Banksy- a British street artist native to Bristol.
(check out his website if u don`t already know him)
Finding grapes on a pathway by the river. They were sweet and totally edible.


  1. Jess,
    You make England sound sunny, fun and colorful!! haha Not the way I remember it.
    I especially love the picture of the houses that look like Capitola. :)
    How so like you to cook with your friends!!
    Thanks again for letting me tag along!

  2. Jessie, I just found your blog - good job! I'm so impressed by your adventurous spirit :)
