Monday, November 8, 2010

Hola from Barcelona

I feel just terrible that I have foresaken my loyal followers. And my not so loyal followers and myself.  I have been wanting to write but have been both having too much fun and having too much logistics. The train is my new best friend, well actually more like my new boss,   It tells me I have to show up early and there is no other option, it fails to show up without repercussions, it keeps me on the border of comfortable and uncomfortable.  I need it, it doesn't need me.

To all of you that I love so much and miss so much- I am in Barcelona hanging out with some really cool people- North Americans of course.  One from Louisville Kentucky and one from Halifax, Canada (called hallegonians)  I keep talking to people in french and can't get the Spanish thing down.  (is bathroom-los banos? is that plural?) In france people actually look for a bath because if you need the toilet you don't refer to the bathroom. (La Toilet)

I hope to write some more. In the meantime- got to hold out for dinner cause people eat after 9pm here. Tapas?

Everything I learned in Kindergarden is opposite in France

  • Do talk to strangers
  • Do pet strange dogs
  • Accept candy from anyone
  • Swim past where you cannot touch
  • Throw rocks
  • Don't shower daily
  • Turn your underware inside out
  • Do stare
  • Chase the pigeons
  • Eat the end of the bread before you get home
  • Play near train tracks